Saturday, 6 September 2014

Yet another great garden!

Since my last entry, I have said farewell to Great Dixter and have returned to the USA, where I am spending the final month of my scholarship at Chanticleer, in Pennsylvania. 

Chanticleer, the former home of the Rosengarten family, is a 35 acre garden and estate located about 20 miles northwest of Philadelphia. Similar to Great Dixter, Chanticleer takes pride in it's bold and experimental plantings, which often stop one in their tracks. There are 7 full-time horticulturalists, all responsible for designated areas within the garden. Each garden space has it's own character and style, providing a range of designs and plants. Despite the variety,however, the garden still maintains rhythm and cohesion, an often underestimated aspect of the garden experience. Fortunately, during my time here I will work with all of the horticulturalist in their different areas, allowing me to get the broadest experience possible. 

One of my favorite (bold) plantings at Chanticleer