Well as you can imagine a lot has happened in the garden between my last entry and now. It's been an odd spring; not only did we have a long winter which persisted until our opening in April, but then we had early warm weather in May, a month which also proved to be quite dry. All these factors seemed to somewhat confuse the plants and we had early flowers mixed with mid to late flowers, making for some intriguing flower times. It still made for a great spring. Here are a few of the moments:
A blanket of Scilla siberica under a Magnolia stellata
A creamy cloud of Corylopsis spills out of Asian Woods
Columbine, Forget-me-nots and Phlox dot the Wildflower Slope
Wisteria floribunda 'Shiro Noda' drips from the pond arbor
Tulip party in the Cut Flower Garden