Monday, 26 October 2015


Another season is on it's way out. "Where does the time go?", I can't help but wonder again and again. It seems like just a couple months ago that we opened our gates after a long winter. Now, with one heavy frost tallied last week, we're beginning the process of putting tender plants back inside and closing up coldframes and fall tidying. It has been a good year and despite a rather dry season, we've arrived at the other side in one piece- a great testiment to the strong teamwork at Chanticleer. Here is a glimpse of some of the current late-season color in the garden:

Clematis tibetana near the Ruin

Pink Muhly grass on the Rock Ledge soaking up sun

Bright fruit set of Viburnum nudum by the ponds 

Deep red leaves of Cornus florida by the Potting Shed

Straw-colored Sporobolus heterolepis 

Oranges and yellows unite on these maples by the Ruin

Variegated Dogwood and unnamed maple by the pool