The society was founded in 1897, and has around 300 members (I didn't know 300 people lived in Northiam!...yes, I'm joking). From what I've seen and been told, it's a very keen and active group. I was impressed by the enthusiasm and the high quality of work. I'm not aware of anything quite like it back home. It's a great tradition and one that I hope continues for many years to come.
Entries grouped in specific categories
We had to drop off our entries between 9-10:30, and then return for the award ceremony at 4 pm. There are 20-30 categories in which you can enter. You could even enter homemade breads, biscuits, marmalade or chutney. Although I've enjoyed making bread lately, I did stick to the flowers. I entered two categories (for the grand price of 40 pence), and was pleasantly surprised to get a first prize for one! It was for "One variety tree/shrub (up to 3 stems)," for which I entered a Corylopsis pauciflora (which is looking stellar in the garden right now by the circular steps, under the mulberry). I was happy just to be a part of the tradition, but winning a prize made it all the more memorable. I am proud to say that Maria and Yuko both won a prize as well- it was a notable representation from Dixter!
The winning specimen!